
[Call for Papers] Please click here to get the PDF of CFPs.

Papers should be no longer than 15 pages including all tables, figures, and references but excluding a cover page. Fonts should be in 10 pt. Each submission must include one cover page which should contain:

  • Title of the paper with an abstract of no more than 500 words;
  • A few keywords, from the list above where possible, giving a clear indication of topics;
  • Author names with affiliations, complete postal addresses, and phone numbers;
  • Email address of the contact author.

The proceedings will be published by the Springer. Please click here to get the detailed paper format on the Springer website, or downloads paper templates directly from the links below. All papers should be sent electronically (preferably in PDF) to the EasyChair paper management system or through the IIP2024 Website. All accepted papers will be indexed by EI and Inspec.

Selected best papers will be recommended to the following special issues:

  • Special issue on “Evolutionary Dynamic Optimization”, IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, JCR Q1 (Impact Factor 14.3), CCF B.
  • Special issue on “Security and Privacy in Large AI Models”, Journal of Information Security and Applications (Elsevier), JCR Q2 (Impact Factor 5.6), CCF C.

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